Food Packaging Trends, News and Information | Flavorseal

Designer Netting Technology Adds Impact to Protein Products

Written by Flavorseal | May 7, 2018 5:18:13 PM

Tired of the familiar square, box and diamond-patterned netting used on your deli products? Flavorseal offers a refreshing upgrade: Consider pineapple- or goblet-shaped patterns on cooked proteins like ham and turkey, or decorative geometrically patterned netting to bundle and showcase convenience items. These are just a few examples of what’s possible through the company’s new Designer Netting Technology, which transforms the netting process by allowing processors to embellish their products with netting in new ways.

“We have the technology and the ability to create unique netting patterns for our customers that allow them to differentiate themselves from other suppliers that use netting in their process,” says Lisa Vacco-Orlowski, Netting Product Manager for Flavorseal. “Some of these patterns are very dramatic and they add a more interesting or premium look to the product.”

Ideal for processing applications such as those used for deli meats and poultry, the customized open-weave mesh netting also can be used as a decorative outer layer for finished products.

With either application, Flavorseal’s Designer Netting has a unique ability to be woven into a variety of new, unconventional shapes and patterns, and to incorporate different types, colors and thicknesses of thread. The unique patterns can highlight and identify distinguishing product features, like quality, flavor, and branding. They also can be used to reflect product differences or to make a product statement.

Adding Designer Netting should not necessitate equipment changes for processors, Vacco-Orlowski says. And whether implemented for process or decorative purposes, Flavorseal’s Designer Netting is hard to duplicate, thanks to Flavorseal’s unique and proprietary manufacturing process, trusted team of experts, and long history as a netting leader.

When used as a functional or process netting, Flavorseal’s Designer Netting allows processors to choose, adapt, or potentially design new looks for their products. The company’s wide portfolio of netting shapes, patterns, sizes, and combinations means processors have numerous options to choose from. Processors also can work with the netting specialists at Flavorseal to adapt an existing pattern to their specifications, or come up with a completely new pattern or shape. In some cases, the unique patterns can be made proprietary to a specific brand or customer.

“We invite companies to come up with a netting pattern or shape that will help them to create a unique brand image to separate their brand from the competition,” says Jeff Binczyk, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Flavorseal.

Just as with traditional box pattern netting, once Flavorseal’s Designer Netting is removed from processed products, it leaves the distinct pattern behind, giving products like premium deli meats a new look and new life in the deli case. This can be an important distinction where an array of similar-looking products may confuse or bewilder customers.

When used as a decorative netting, the product can be customized with specific thread materials and colors, in addition to patterns, to create a finished netting that differentiates products at retail.
Samples and product demonstrations are available to help processors explore Designer Netting options. The netting experts at Flavorseal will work with processors to show them how Designer Netting can transform and differentiate their products.

For more information about our Designer Netting Technology, please contact Flavorseal.